rekonq 0.9: Tech Preview

Here we are, ready to announce the immediate availability for first technologic preview of rekonq 0.9 (rekonq 0.8.71). Here you’ll find a first view of the impressive list of news ready for the upcoming release.
In this post I’ll try to explain what we cooked for rekonq 0.9: I hope that, given the right testing/cleaning/bugfixing period we can provide the smoother and lighter browsing experience.
Here is the full list of news you’ll find in rekonq 0.9:

  • rewamped urlbar suggestions mechanism, trying to guess as soon as possible your typed site, but also showing all possible desired sites. I just blogged about here and here and I find it is a nice improvement 🙂
  • refactored User Agent code and UI.
  • sync support, with a full sync mechanism for passwords, bookmarks and history. sync handler for 0.9 will include just ftp sites (eg: remote owncloud installations), but several people is just working to provide in the next series a lot of alternatives (that are: mozilla sync, remote git repo, google bookmarks, WebDAV, Digg.)
  • web applications support. Why explain things when you have a video about?
  • Rewamped webkit settings. rekonq: new webkit settings
  • add “tabs” in the rekonq pages, given an easy way to manage tabs. Probably not the best mechanism, but easy and fast.
  • improves in download management and in the download page, showing when a file has been removed and when it really exists.
  • icons retrieving fixes, now really working for all sites (you probably have to clear your favicon cache for that)
  • Access keys, whose code has been imported from Arora and adjusted following konqueror’s implementation.
  • User session management. So finally rekonq will restart well on KDE session restore.

Here you are. We now have a full month (or more, if needed) devoted to testing, bugfixing and improving rekonq performances. Please, help us testing 0.9 tech preview and reporting all bugs and/or unwanted behavior.

Enjoy rekonq 😉

18 responses to “rekonq 0.9: Tech Preview

  1. Pingback: Rilis Peramban Web KDE Rekonq Versi 0.9 - LinuxBox.Web.ID

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