rekonq 0.4 beta

Here we are again, more than 3 months after rekonq 0.3 release, ready a new beta cycle! In case you don’t know (yet) what rekonq is, I’ll say you it’s a lightweight browser for KDE based on webkit. Just that.
In this release we moved our code from pure QtWebkit + kde support to the new kdewebkit library being in kde 4.4. So, rekonq 0.4 is KDE (SC) 4.4 based.
I really wanna thank you all people involved in the WebKit-KDE integration. It’s our technology, isn’t it? 🙂
So, without further ado, let’s see rekonq’s new features:

KWallet support (via kdewebkit)

Surely the most requested one. it’s fun you can just use konqueror’s saved passwords in rekonq. And vice-versa.

AdBlock support

Yes, we have an adblock from now on. It just work quite well. And more will come with next versions 😀

MultiThreading url resolver

UI will not hang anymore, thanks to ThreadWeaver lib. I really coudn’t imagine it could be so simple multithreaded programming with KDE libs. I promise a simple proof of this for the kdeexamples module.

Plugins Controlled Loading

( “clickToFlash”, “clickToMplayerPlugin”, “clickToLoadThisFuckingPluginOrDontClickAtAll” )

Docked Web Inspector

From now on, Web Inspector will appear in rekonq in the same way Firebug appears in Firefox. Waiting for a better integration in Qt 4.7..

file/ftp (and some more) protocol handling.

No, no kparts. rekonq will never be a konqueror clone. We have konqueror for that. It’s just that browsing sometimes happens you need to browse your local files or an ftp site. And now you can do it. But no (and never) file management operations here. Just browse..

kget integration

Or at least the first bits of. Just enable it in rekonq settings (“rekonfig”…) and SHIFT + CLICK a link. It should just work..

Improved Fullscreen Mode

How can I explain this? dont know (haven’t you notice yet my English sucks?). Just try it, please. You’ll see a real fullscreen page and if you need urlbar, just move your pointer in the higher part of the screen: you’ll see it appear.

Improved rekonq page

We now have a new mechanism to choose your favorites, the ability to browse rekonq pages with the about: protocol (e.g: about:favorites for the speeddial, about:history for.. guess what?, about:home for what you like more) and to set the “about:home” url to the page you prefer, to see it first.

And, as usual, fixes, fixes, fixes.. 🙂

Enough for now guys (I have to run at work..)
Just let me say these last things: I’ll blog again in the next days (weeks? 🙂 ) to explain why we are in gitorious without being in the kde group (and ask what is better to do with: wait for the “big switch” or move now), I’d like to present all guys in the rekonq crew (to also better know ourselves) and to “talk” a bit about our choice of removing the menubar.
So, stay tuned.

102 responses to “rekonq 0.4 beta

  1. Pingback: rekonq 0.4 beta disponibile « Moros' Blog

  2. Is it intended that this versions is without translations included?

  3. Pingback: [Tip] Modifying favorites in rekonq « credativ blog

  4. Pingback: [Tipp] Favoriten in rekonq anpassen « credativ blog

  5. when i add a page to favorites i need open a blank page, click in “set a preview”, openn the page, wait the loading end, confirm the action and return to the favorites pages.
    Many steps, no?
    I will like a drop down menu with the open tabs when i click in the “set a preview”, but i think is better a suvery about this usability issue. A blog post collecting sugestions and a votation…

  6. good job guys, thank you very much for the propper kde based web browser!

  7. Pingback: Mandriva 2010.1 Alpha 3 disponible, también soporta el iPhone | MuyLinux

  8. Pingback: Mandriva 2010.1 Alpha 3 disponible, también soporta el iPhone « iNetWorks

  9. Pingback: Mandriva 2010.1 Alpha 3

  10. Pingback: rekonq 0.4 stable « adjam.weblog()

  11. What javascript engine does rekonq use? I notice the sunspider results are 10 times higher than chromium on all the PCs I’ve tested

    From that I’m guessing we’re not using V8

  12. Rekonq 0.3 address bar has a feature that if I typed a word and it wasn’t a link, the browser opened a google page with the word as a search parameter.

    I tried this version and noticed that feature was missing. It is optional? Can be re-enabled again?

    • Andrea Diamantini

      It (obviously) works in 0.4 version, too. Anyway, it depends on the default web shortcut you choosed. Take a look there: settings -> web shortcuts.

  13. Simply brilliant! Rekonq will probably replace Konqueror on my machine 🙂
    Keep it up!

  14. Pingback: rekonq 0.4 Beta 发布 | Linux学习

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