Rekonq 2.2

It’s that time again, release time! In this period it seems very easy to round some edges and push up things.
And this because of the great contribution people is giving us via patches, comments (also on this blog), bug reports… I cannot remember a release where I coded myself so little and checked patches and suggestions so much 🙂
The result is this rekonq 2.2 release!

So, what’s new in rekonq 2.2?

Adblock Improvements
Well, adblock coding is really not fun. But given some nice visible results, everything start to seem better.
So, let’s see the differences:

rekonq 2.1 adblock test

rekonq 2.1 adblock test

rekonq 2.2 adblock test

rekonq 2.2 adblock test

This easy test can be found here. These guys really had a nice idea about testing their product. I just took advantage from.

Closed tabs page
Yes, it’s back! I had to fix code due to our internal API change for the 2.x series. But everyone now should have this nice feature back. I know it was one of the most requested feature. You probably may got used to 🙂
Now you have it!

Nepomuk2 support
You may know that rekonq stores info about bookmarks (NOT the bk itself!) in nepomuk. If you have kde 4.10 installed (minimum requirement for this optional feature) you can click on the star urlbar icon and edit them. Unfortunately this costed us nepomuk1 support. We really cannot support 2 nepomuk versions. I’m sorry if you are having problems cause of this.

rekonq nepomuk2 support

rekonq nepomuk2 support

Boomarks menu
This is another strong request from rekonq users gone back. You have the same bk menu in the general tools menu and as an action(menu) to append to your urlbar. Maybe you need a screenshot to understand my ramblings 🙂

rekonq bk menu

rekonq bk menu

Minor improvements
We had work and clean ups in various areas. KGet support has been improved letting it decide the destination folder. Lindsay cleaned up our spell checker trying to let it be faster and less intrusive. She, Michael, Pali, Dimitrios provided patches for a lot of small things they would fix and improve.
This resulted in more than 20 real bugs resolved.

So, long story short. Upgrade to 2.2! And enjoy…

PS: Given we have some more “minor” features to code & push in master, I planned a 2.3 for next month. Hope you won’t be disappointed 😉

37 responses to “Rekonq 2.2

  1. Pingback: Links 3/3/2013: OLPC Comeback, Android 5.0 Details | Techrights

  2. Hi, rekonq is just like me … it takes a long time to start in the morning …. bad joke aside, rekonq does take significant time to start loading a page once a URL is entered. Not sure why this is.

    I’ve noticed it all along.

    However, I like where it’s going and looking forward to trying 2.2.

  3. Pingback: Disponible Rekonq 2.2 » KDE Blog

  4. Hello, I still have some issues regaeding rekonq.
    – Session saving on rekonq exit is not working properly, after next start there are stored closed tabs as well.
    – Google Bookmarks integraton is great idea, but there should be simple way how to show them under one Bookmark folder and I am found that national characters in bookmarks are corrupted.

  5. I spotted a minor annoying bug with this latest release. Whenever I tried to open the bookmark folder via bookmark toolbar, the procedure failed to execute. It also prevented me from performing right mouse click to modify the folder. Downgrading to Rekonq 2.1 solved the problem.

  6. How to config the default zoom?

  7. Hi.
    Please, is possible add old feature, left side panel with booksmarks?
    The same funktion is in Firefox under the keys CTRL+B


  8. Pingback: rekonq 2.2.1 | adjam.weblog()

  9. Pingback: Rekonq 2 – 2.2 Major Features Highlighted

  10. Thanks for finally writing about >Rekonq 2.2 | adjam.weblog()
    <Loved it!

  11. Pingback: Rekonq 2.2 nos devuelve más características

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